Here's a quick video guide on how to install Ode Gen 2 Brew burrs, same guide is also used for SSP MP Burrs.
Tools Needed:
- Fellow Ode Gen 2 Brew Burrs or SSP MP Burrs
- Paper towels
- Medium grit sandpaper
- Air duster or a small vacuum
- Fellow Ode cleaning brush
- Needle nose pliers
- A small and a large Phillips head screwdriver
A few things to note before starting: It is crucial to adjust your grinder to setting 11 before the installation. Remember to thoroughly clean out your grinder with a brush before installing new burrs to ensure proper alignment. You can use small air dusters and a vacuum to clean. Once you install the burrs, you need to calibrate the grinder before using it.
What to be prepared for:
- Step 1: Prepare for disassembly
- Step 2: Remove the dial
- Step 3: Remove the auger and auger key
- Step 4: Sand down the motor shaft
- Step 5: Remove the burr from the auger
- Step 6: Remove the static burr from inside of the Ode
- Step 7: Prepare the Ode for the new burrs
- Step 8: Install a new burr to the chamber inside of the Ode
- Step 9: Install the remaining new burr to the auger
- Step 10: Place the auger back into the Ode
- Step 11: Screw the dial back on to the Ode
- Step 12: Calibrate your new burrs
- Step 13: Reassemble the dial cover
- Step 14: Enjoy
Step 1: Prepare for disassembly
- Unplug your grinder.
- Remove the load bin lid and put that to the side
- Remove the catch cup and set that to the side
- Turn the dial clockwise (to the right) all the way to 11.
Step 2: Remove the dial
- Remove the front cover plate by gently pulling down and outward.
- Take a large Phillips head screwdriver and remove the 4 main screws (larger screws) to remove the dial. Set aside.
Step 3: Remove the auger
- Remove auger key and set aside.
If you are unable to remove the auger key, please reach out to our CX team for help.
- Push the auger in and out to loosen it, and remove it with your hands.
If the auger is difficult to remove with your hands, take your needle nose pliers and grab the inside of the top of where the auger key sits and the outside of the auger itself. Apply even pressure with pliers and pull the auger out.
Step 4: Sand down the motor shaft
This step is to make auger reassembly & future removal easier. You can skip this step if your auger easily pops out of the Ode and can be removed without pliers.
- Take a small piece of medium grit sandpaper and sand down sharp edges of the motor shaft to allow the auger to slide in and out easily. Sand all along the key area of the motor shaft and around the front.
- Take a clean paper towel or a clean towel and wipe off any debris that you sanded off.
- Test fit the auger by lining up the actual key slot with the slot in the motor and see if the auger slides back in easily or not. If it slides smoothly, you can move onto the next step. If not, sand down and wipe the motor shaft and test again.
Step 5: Remove the burr from the auger
- Thoroughly clean the grinder by removing all of the coffee grounds from both inside the chamber and the auger itself using your Fellow cleaning brush.
- Use your large Phillips head screwdriver to remove the screws from the auger burr. Once unscrewed, pull the burr off the auger itself.
- Use the Fellow Ode cleaning brush to remove any coffee grounds that are stuck on the auger itself.
Step 6: Remove the static burr from inside of the Ode
- Flip grinder on its back, with the dial side facing up.
- Take your Fellow cleaning brush and clean out any of the grounds that may be stuck on the burr.
- Take your large Phillips head screwdriver and remove the 3 screws that are holding the static burr in.
- Carefully remove the screws with your needle nose pliers in order to make sure the screws don’t fall into the chamber.
- Remove the original stock burr by gently working it loose and lifting it parallel upwards. Set aside.
Step 7: Prepare the Ode for the new burrs
- Brush out any grounds you see in the chamber with your Fellow Ode cleaning brush. Use an air duster or small vacuum to get the chamber surfaces completely clean.
Step 8: Install a new burr to the chamber inside of the Ode
- Take your first Ode Gen 2 Brew Burr and hold it parallel to the chamber. Place it in and align all the holes. It should sit flush.
Note: It does not matter what burr goes inside the chamber and which one goes on the auger. Both Gen 2 Brew burrs are exactly the same.
- Loosely install all the screws to the burr, center the burr, do a final tightening of the screws.
Step 9: Install the remaining new burr to the auger
- Place your second Ode Gen 2 Brew Burr on the auger. Align all the holes. It should sit flush. Ensure that all coffee was removed from the auger before installing the burr.
- Loosely install all the screws to the burr, center the burr, do a final tightening of the screws.
Step 10: Place the auger back into the Ode
- Take your auger and place it back into the grind chamber. Make sure the auger spring is still inside. Align the line of the motor shaft with the line of the auger and place auger in.
- Make sure the auger is placed properly by pressing it a few times. The auger should bounce free and clear inside the chamber. Place the auger key back in once the auger is fitted in properly.
Step 11: Screw the dial back on to the Ode
- Take the dial face plate you removed and place it back on, making sure the dial is set to 11. Tighten all 4 screws.
Step 12: Calibrate your new burrs
- Now that the Ode is reassembled, it is time to remove the dial cover to calibrate the burrs.
- Use your smaller Phillips head screwdriver and remove the 4 small screws on the outside base plate. Remove front dial.
- Turn your Ode upright again and plug it back in.
- Turn on your Ode.
- With the Ode running, begin turning the dial mechanism counterclockwise (to the left) one click at a time until you hear the burrs touch. It should make clicking sounds.
Note: This is the outer edges of the burrs touching, and it will not damage your burrs.
- Once you hear the burrs touch, turn the dial mechanism one click clockwise (to the right) and turn the grinder off. The burrs are now set to 1.*
*Specifically for those calibrating for the SSP Burrs: Once you hear the burrs touch, turn the dial mechanism FIVE clicks clockwise (to the right) and turn the grinder off. The burrs are now set to 1.
- Unplug the grinder.
Step 13: Reassemble the dial cover
- Take the dial cover (which is currently set at 11) and turn it all the way back to 1.
- Put the dial cover back on the dial mechanism.
- Take your small Phillips head screwdriver and screw the dial cover back on to the dial mechanism.
- Once the screws are back in, turn your knob clockwise (to the right) and counterclockwise (to the left) to make sure the knob can spin free and clear. If the knob moves freely, snap the front base plate back on.